Sunday 18 May 2014

Dare I do it?

This is the first step in what I intend to be a massive change to my life.

I want to give up living in the same place year round, doing the same thing with the same results. As I head into the last quarter of my life (if I'm lucky), with no real prospect of continued employment in a regular job for many more years or an exciting retirement, I realise that I need to take control of whether I enjoy my remaining time or allow my life to descend into a miserable existence.

At the moment, I am fully employed, living in a large (rented) house in Sussex with my partner, Clare, who is about 10 months younger than me.

She too feels that we need to make a change while we are still in a position of relative strength.

So, what can we do? Just waiting for the axe to fall is definitely not an option!

We both have a lifetime of experience, knowledge and skills (more on those in a later post).

So, what's to stop us from planning to earn a living from sharing our valuable skills as consultants, bloggers, entrepreneurs, eBook authors, trainers... 

At the same time, it would be very desirable to shed the accumulated crap that clutters our house and our lives. In other words, lead minimalist existences. Thinking about it, what do I really need (apart from those I like and love)? A few clothes, a passport and driving licence, a smartphone, a laptop, an internet connection everywhere, some good realistic ideas and the balls and attitude to make it happen!

Once we have simplified our lives, then the possibility of leading a more nomadic existence can become reality. As another wise man said "The world's our lobster, Rodney!"

So, watch this space for the next instalment of the start of the last chapter of my life! I am so excited!